CBT and Adult ADHD

There are a multitude of treatment approaches for adult ADHD. However, research has shown that a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Skills Training is most effective in the treatment of adult ADHD. It is important to note that ADHD is caused by an under stimulated portion of the brain, that in-turn leads to an underproduction of Dopamine. In order to adequately address this under stimulation, most adults with ADHD will need to explore medication with a trained psychiatrist.

When stimulant medication, CBT, and Skills Training are combined to address adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, people tend to have the best results. San Francisco and the Silicon Valley at large (Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Sunnyvale etc.) are full of people trying to reach optimal productivity and success. Unfortunately, the majority of psychologists, psychotherapists, and even medical doctors do not have this same dedication to productivity and results. In fact most do not adhere to effective treatments, backed by research when treating ADHD in adults. This can lead to tremendous frustration as life seems to continue to pass people by while in treatment.

I partner with only a handful of psychiatrists who have the knowledge, experience, and careful approach needed to work with ADHD. When a psychotherapist partners closely with a patients doctor, the results tend to be achieved more quickly and tend to last.

I welcome your questions and about adult ADHD and if I cannot meet with you due to scheduling etc., I will work to help you find an ADHD specialist in the San Francisco Bay Area to meet your needs.